
Showing posts from October, 2018


Hello Everyone, Tomorrow (Wednesday) is Halloween. Students are welcome to dress up in costumes or orange/black clothing, or of course wear their regular clothing to school. Please don’t send toy weapons (eg swords, knives, etc.) to school, or candy of any kind. Thank you!

Musical Performance for Islamic Heritage Month

We recently enjoyed a performance from Dawud, a singer, songwriter and author. Dawud performed several songs for us including, “Shalom/Salaam” and “Hi Neighbour, Salaam”.  As Ismalic Heritage month concludes, we were so grateful to hear this amazing performance, and all the announcements made in school about Canadian Muslims and the important contributions they have made. 

Picture Day Tomorrow!

A reminder that picture day is tomorrow. Please be on time, as our photos are right after announcements. See you tomorrow!

Picture Day

Picture Day is Monday Oct 29!  Practise your smiles!!

Patterning In Math Centres

Yesterday, we did Math Centres to practise our patterning skills. We made patterns with stamps, blocks, beads and other manipulatives. 

New Math Learning Goals

Hello Everyone, We are starting our next study of math with Patterning. Please see our new learning goals in the photo.  You can find specific expectations on the government’s website.

Terry Fox Run!

The Terry Fox run is this Friday morning at 9:15 (just after announcements). Please send in a toonie, if you’re able, to support the Terry Fox foundation. Thanks!

We Won!

Congratulations everyone! We have won the free trip to the aquarium!  Details to follow.


There are several forms coming home today.  Please return the Index Card with any changes (or not), as well as the Internet form, as soon as possible. Also, I am adding a notebook to the homework folders, as suggested by a parent. All work can be done in this book, and returned inside the homework bag. Thanks!

Parent Library Times

Parents may visit the school library to take out dual language books and a selection of other texts. Please enter the school through the front doors and sign in at the office. Then, check in with Nadine Williams, our librarian, and she will set you up for your visit. Visit times are: Day 5 and 10 - 9:00-10:00am Day 3 and 8 - 12:45-1:15pm Please ask if you have any questions!

Thank You!

Thank you everyone for coming to our curriculum afternoon. The students loved seeing you and it was wonderful to host you all in our classroom. Thanks for supporting our classroom activities and your interest in our learning.

Learning About Seasons

In Science, we are learning about the 4 seasons.  We are learning how the seasons are different and why different seasons happen.  We know that the seasons occur as a never-ending cycle, and that each season brings different weather.  We also know that people do different activities and wear different clothes for each season.  We have been writing about what we like to do in each season.  What is your favourite season and why?  Discuss with your family and comment below!

Our Learning Buddies and the Aquarium Project

Last week, we met our Learning Buddies from Ms. Scheifele's  class.  We worked together to create some beautiful underwater scenes using pastels and watercolour paints.  We are hoping to win a trip to the aquarium!  Enjoy our art, and cross your FINS for us!