
Showing posts from April, 2019

Math Test Word Problems

I hope you get a chance to review your child’s math test. Overall, the students did well, but many forgot to include enough details in the word problems section. We use a strategy called ‘ICE’ to help us include all the information we need. It stands for: Illustrate Calculate Explain. Please see the examples below to see how the problems could be solved for full marks. If you have any other questions about the math quiz, please email me!  The real quiz is Monday and is VERY similar to the practice quiz. Good luck studying and remember your ICE!

Money Math Tests

We are coming to the end of our Money unit.  Students will have a practice test on Friday, followed by the ‘real’ test on Monday. Please review your child’s practice test this weekend. Topics include:  - naming coins and stating their values - calculating what a set of coins is worth - representing money amounts (drawing coins) to 20 cents - adding and subtracting money amounts to 10 cents - solving word problems involving money  Please contact me with any questions. 


We are working to make our community better!  One of the ways we intend to help, is by adding some plants to nearby green spaces. We’re getting ready to plant today!

Community Mural

Yesterday, we made this giant map of our community. Our neighbourhood is full of important places! How many can you see and name?

Summer School

You should have received the summer school information on Wednesday in your child’s Homework folder. The kids had a lot of questions about the program! Here are some quick facts: - Runs July 3-26, mornings only - At Thorncliffe - Fully optional - only sign up if you are interested! But if you do sign up, students must attend daily (unless sick, of course) - Focus on Math through the Arts - A good way to maintain skills and knowledge over the summer - Free! - Taught by TDSB teachers (maybe me!) from Thorncliffe and other schools Please let me know if you have any other questions and I will try to answer them for you. If you’d like to apply, I can copy your child’s report card for you. Megan Page

New Learning Goals

Here are our new learning goals!

The Better Tree Fort

In library today, we read the Blue Spruce nominee, The Better Tree Fort. Then, we built models of tree forts using natural wood blocks. Thanks Ms. Williams for the cool class!

Money Math Centres

We are learning about coins and their values. Today, we rotated through a series of math centres where we practised using coins and learned about their values. Students are expected to be able to make values up to a total of 20 cents. They should also be able to identify all Canadian coins.

Math Curriculum Switch

Just an update - we will be switching math units so that our next unit of study will be MONEY. Spatial Sense will be postponed until end of April or May. Thanks!

New Materials

I’ve recently ordered some new materials for us. Magnatiles have arrived and we’ve enjoyed creating with them!