
End of the Year

Well, here we are at the end of a wonderful school year. I have so enjoyed getting to know all the amazing students and their families as well. We’ve had so many successes this year and I am in awe of the growth I’ve seen in the children. Students who came in reading very simple books are now in to chapter books. Students who couldn’t add or subtract are now doing algebra! Students have learned to question, investigate, justify and self-monitor. I could not be happier with the progress we’ve made. We really had a great year and I thought I’d share some of my favourite memories: - Field Trips to the aquarium, aga khan and the farm (even in the rain!) - Our terrarium and ant farm - Our ‘Family Day’ Art Party - Happy Fries-Day! - Buzz and our riddles/quiz/picnic games - Learning Buddies with Ms. Scheifele’s Class - Our amazing dance party today My most sincere thanks to all of you for your kind words, emails and generous gifts over the past few days. It means so much to me to k

We Can Do Algebra!

We are using number balances to explore concepts of equality!

Canada Day (in June)

The final Spirit Day is upon us and it is this Friday. Students are encouraged to wear red and white for an early Canada day celebration!

Field Trip

A big thank you to all the parents who came to our field trip on Monday. We had a great time, despite the rain! Also, a big thanks to all the students who were on their best behaviour. Way to go room 155!

Field Trip on Monday!

Please remember to come prepared for our field trip on Monday!

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak to you all!  Whether you are celebrating tomorrow, Wednesday, or all week long, may your Eid be full of joy and special times with family. In honour of the celebration, here is a mosque that the children designed and built. Have a wonderful holiday and I will see you all when you return to school!

Eid Treats

Hello families, I am sending home a little Eid treat for the students this afternoon. I purchased all of it at Iqbal’s, so it is all halal. Hope you enjoy!