
Showing posts from February, 2019

Retell Examples

Here are two examples of a good retell, written by students in our class: "First the porcupine needed a hug.  Then he asked a bunny can you hug me and he said with those spikes no!  Next he walked to the bear. And he said no.  Finally the porcupine said you change your mind.  And then a snake came and he said all I needed was a kiss and then the porcupine hugged the snake." "At the beginning the little hen did so much work.  Next the little hen saw seeds to take home and plant them.  After that the little hen grow the seeds.  Then the little hen make the bread.  At the end the little hen said who will help me to eat the bread.  I want to eat the bread said the goose.  I want to eat the bread said the cat.  I want to eat the bread said the dog.  No because I did all of the work.  You didn't help me so I will eat all of the bread she said.  You will not eat the bread." Good work!

Spirit Day Wednesday!

Dress up as what you’d like to be when you grow up!  Wednesday, February 27!

Properties of Materials

We are discussing properties of materials.  Which materials are good to use for building certain objects?  Which materials would be really bad for certain objects?   Check out our huge chart!

Writing Unity of Study: Retelling a Story

We are currently learning how to retell a familiar story.  We have been reading stories in class, acting them out, and writing our own retells.  Here is a poster that helps us remember what we need to include when writing a retell.

100th Day Party!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 100th Day project! We had a very fun day, full of games, music, snacks, and of course, 100 of everything!  Check out the photos of our 100th Day Projects!

School is Closed

School is closed today; stay safe at warm at home!

Chinese Heritage Celebrations

February is also Chinese Heritage month. On Monday, we will enjoy a Chinese lunar new year-themed parade around the school. Next week, we will also learn how Chinese-Canadians celebrate the lunar new year.

Black History Month

Every February, the TDSB celebrates African Heritage Month, a time to learn about and pay tribute to the many ways in which Black Canadians and people of the African Diaspora have helped shape our society, and to recognize the invaluable contributions they have made to our province, country and world.  Each morning, we listen to history trivia questions about Black Canadians on the announcements.  We will also be reading stories that centre around black children, adults and historic icons. 

100th Day of School Party

Please see the note sent home regarding the 100th day of school party.  Students are allowed to bring a special snack to share with their classmates for the party.  The food must be: NUT-FREE, HALAL and DAIRY-FREE. This means no cheese, no milk products, no yogurt, no hazelnut or other nut butters. Students are also encouraged to make a representation of the number 100 for the party.  We will be sharing these on Monday. Thank you for your support, and happy 98th day of school!


Our current Math strand is Measurement!  We are learning to measure things with non-standard units.  We are also working on comparing objects using proper vocabulary (e.g., "longer than", "wider than", "shorter than", etc.).  Here we are measuring the window.  Our string is longer than the window.

All New Learning Goals

Here are our all new learning goals that we are focusing on for the next little while.  Please make sure your child is coming to school when possible, so they don't miss out on all the learning and new concepts.